We received a good amount of snow on Christmas Eve - Jack was very eager to help dad shovel. Armed with his shovel and broom we headed out to help and catch snowflakes!
Christmas Day brought more presents and time with family. We had Christmas morning in our new house, we actually managed to get a tree this year. The house is going to feel very empty when we have to take it down. Jack was very excited to see what Santa brought him, the workbench, complete with another hammer to add to his collection, was his favorite! He also got a play kitchen with pots, pans and food from grandma and grandpa and a whole set of power tools from grandma and grandpa Drieman.
Christmas Eve was spent at my parents this year. It was the first time in over 15 years that we had all of the cousins together. We had a very special visit from Santa (aka Cousin Patrick) - Jack was so excited to see him. He came with an awesome (Jack's new favorite word) truck that runs around the house and plays music. Thank you Patrick for making the evening magical for the kids. Jack also went sledding with Aunt Annie, he made it down one run!
We were pleasantly surprised when Jack took a liking to Santa this year. We saw him a few times, if only Santa and waiting in lines didn't go together!
We spent Thanksgiving Day with both sides of the family this year, it was a great time. The rest of the weekend was spent working on the house, as always!
Things have been crazy for us over the past couple of months - the reason for such few postings. We are without internet right now, so I promise to update with pictures when I can. We moved into the new house last weekend and we are loving it. Jack adjusted great, can't say the same for Stanley, the poor dog is a little stressed out these days. Will update soon.....